Proposition 8 in California is to define in the constitution that marriage is between MAN and WOMAN only. If this does not pass, then gay couples will have the right to be married. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does not usually get involved in politics, but this is a truly important issue. If Prop 8 does not pass (this means we must vote YES), then our children will be taught principles that are not conducive to the gospel. Any church that will not change their beliefs to accept gay marriage and that will refuse to marry gay couples will lose tax exemption and can be sued. I could also be sued as a photographer. There have already been cases of photographers, bakers, and such, who have not provided services for gay weddings, where they have been sued and actually lost for discrimination. I just don't understand why we must be forced to believe in gay marriage. If Prop 8 passes it will not be breaking up "families" in any way. Everything will remain as it always has been.
In Massachusetts, where gay marriage is legal, there have been schools that have a "Diversity Day" where each child was taught and sent home a backpack full of books and pamphlets to teach them and their families about gay marriage. Our religion believes that everyone has their own agency to believe and choose what they will, but this Proposition will affect the way I choose to teach my children about others sexual natures. I
am tolerant of others beliefs, but they are not tolerant of mine--that is the true equality issue!
Whether you live in California, or not, EVERYONE needs to be aware of these issues. Once this gets past California it will infiltrate itself into every other state in our nation, so please, don't don't keep your mouth shut--if you know anyone in California, talk to them about this. Remember YES on Prop 8! "We will not yield, we CANNOT yield." (Elder W. Craig Zwick Of the Seventy)
Watch this amazing will explain everything you need to know about Prop 8. Please pass it on to friends and family.
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