Okay, so I announced a long time ago that we started potty training. Well, we've been working on it off and on for all this time and then I decided we would spend all of General Conference weekend working on it since we wouldn't really be going anywhere or doing anything. It worked! Wesley was going to the potty! He kept his pants dry all day! We put his diaper on for bedtime, but then we put his underwears back on in the morning. But then we had errands to do last week, so we put the diapers back on for just a few days. Then me and my mom went to buy Pull-ups. Wesley was so excited and he did perfectly for another few days! But then Easter weekend came. We had a crazy, busy, out and about day. We had the Pull-ups on, but he was doing very well holding it. We had a few more issues that night, but still doing rather well. He stayed dry through nursery today, but as soon as we got home we rushed to the potty and didn't make it! He was sad at first, but he must have figured out that the Pull-ups work like diapers, because after that he had accident, after accident. We tried putting the underwear on while we were at Grandma A's, but still more accidents! Ugh! I thought we had this...easy, breezy. But now I don't know what to do. Spring break is over and it's back to our normal, craziness--cleaning my parents house tomorrow? okay, we can do that. Preschool Tuesday? uh, I don't think so! Any advice? We know how to do this at home, but how do we continue it when we have to leave the house? Please help!! I appreciate any and all advice!!!! Pee-pee on the potty dance
With Brenden we just made him go whenever there was a potty at first when we were out and about.
Yep, that is what I would do. Go potty before you leave, go potty once you get there, and if you are out for a long time keep on taking him. Dallin usually went potty every couple of hours, so on an hour trip he would be fine. I tried all the potty training methods and I am a huge fan of training underwear (target/walmart). They are more padded and tighter around the legs, so they don't make as big of a mess as regular underwear when there are accidents. Like in your situation pull ups do not work. Also, when he does go to nursery I went in between classes and had him go potty. That might help. This stage is hard, a diaper is so much easier :), but having them potty trained is worth the work.
My advice. Wait til he's 3. haha! We tired with all 3 of ours at 2 and at 2 and a half, and they hated it, or it didn't stick, but we did Kam and Jaden at about 3 years and 4 months and it took a day or two and stuck! So that's what we're diong with bossy, um, but he turns 3 in a few weeks...ugh!
Of course I do not have any advice. I just wanted to say that is an adorable picture of Wesley doing the pee-pee dance. Stick with it though! He is so smart! He will get it! Love you!
Like Kiri I don't have any advice but the dance celebration picture is cute! Good Luck...learn all the tricks and pass them to me!!!
Just be consistent! It's tough! It took Analise forever! You can do it! Love ya sis!
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